WhatsApp New Status Privacy Confirmation – WhatsApp is always in race with other communication applications, that keeps on strengthening it’s features every day. Main purpose of the social media and communication platforms is the user privacy. And maintaining the user’s personal details confidentiality.
So keeping that in mind, WhatsApp is now up with another beta testing on it’s Status Sharing Feature. Yes! We all have those few unwanted contacts in our phones, whom we don’t want to see our WhatsApp status. If you are also one among them, then WhatsApp’s new feature will be a game-changer for you. Let’s checkout what it has for it’s users now.
WhatsApp Status Privacy Confirmation Beta Testing
WhatsApp new feature, that is already under testing for WhatsApp Beta version is called “Status Privacy Confirmation.” It’s basically allows or prompts users to double check before you hit share button for your WhatsApp statuses. In this feature, users will get a pop-up window appearing before you share the status. This window will show and remind you exactly who will see or who will not see your status particularly.
Difference To The Previous Status Privacy Feature
You may ask that we already status privacy setting present in WhatsApp. Then what’s the difference? Here is it. In current feature users have to go to the settings, and then select including/excluding contacts to share your status. And once set, this needs to be changed manually again for each status you share.
But in new feature, which is still in Beta testing, users don’t have to dig through their privacy settings. While sharing status, you can quickly include/exclude contacts to share that particular status. By this, you don’t need to mess with your present privacy settings. And also, this is more convenient and easy to follow. Isn’t it’s like having a VIP list for your status updates?
It might be a small feature or a small update to the present feature. But it will definitely bring a big difference to the way we see our WhatsApp status. Presently, only few lucky Beta testers are given the feature. Once the testing is successful, it will be rolled out to all the WhatsApp users.
This new status privacy confirmation feature is a win for anyone who wants more control over what they share.